Frequently Asked Questions and Legal Information
Use of Kaminari Knight's Music
Michael Holmes aka Kaminari Knight is the sole owner of all the music and other media he creates unless otherwise noted. There are a few things you will need to know about what it can and cannot be used for.
If you own a legitimate copy of any of Kaminari Knight's music, including tracks that Kaminari Knight may allow you to download for free (for example a track he may make freely downloadable his official BandCamp or SoundCloud), you may:
Promote it on radio, television or an online video site such as YouTube, as long as you DO NOT ALLOW PEOPLE TO DOWNLOAD IT FOR FREE, and as long as you give credit to Kaminari Knight. Where applicable, if the track is officially available on Bandcamp, iTunes, Google Play or any other distribution platforms, please include a link to it.
Use it in not-for-profit (i.e.: free to enter) events including for DJ Sets, or for background music.
Copy and play the tracks on any computer or audio device that you own, for personal use only.
Without Kaminari Knight's permission, you may NOT:
Sell Kaminari Knight's music without paying him revenue equal to the standard price set on his official BandCamp, iTunes, Google Play, etc., times the number of copies sold.
File-share or make any of Kaminari Knight's tracks downloadable for free, even those he already makes freely downloadable. As the official author of his tracks, Kaminari Knight reserves the right distribute ALL of his tracks, even free ones.
Use it for commercial advertisements or political propaganda without prior permission from Kaminari Knight.
Frequently Asked Questions
I Want to Collaborate with Kaminari Knight. How do I go about that?
Unfortunately, as Kaminari Knight is on hiatus, he is currently not available for collaboration of any kind.