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【M3 Release】First Full-length Album from K-Knight | カミナリ・ナイトによる初フルアルバム

Greetings be thine, my friends


It has been a long time coming, but I can finally reveal my first full-length album which I will be releasing under my label Prismatic Feather Audiovisual at my second appearance at the M3 of Spring 2019 in Tokyo.


The album, Negative Infinity, will contain plenty of fresh tunes as well as some remastered old tunes from 5 years ago, and one track from 6 years ago that was never officially released until now. In terms of genre, it will for the large part revolve around my usual high-speed, hard-hitting-bass style of EDM, ranging from dark emotional rap-rock in Scarlet Storm to a gangsta-style party anthem in Bomberang II all the way down to a pop-rock number featuring myself under my singer-songwriter alias "Demon Lazuli". I also decided to not only remaster two old tunes of mine, Bomberang and Beyond a Distant Ocean, but also resurrect an even older liquid drum 'n' bass tune from my Uni Days, A Safe Haven, which was never officially released up until now. Finally, of course, following the "tradition" (if that's a neat way of describing it) I set in Imaginary Unit, Negative Infinity will also start and end with a cinematic prologue and epilogue.

この新作「負ノ無限」は、新しい曲もリマスターした5年前の曲も今までリリースしなかった6年前の1曲を収録しております。ジャンルとして、私カミナリ・ナイトの定番であるヘヴィーベースをこだわったハードコアを中心に、「Scarlet Storm」のような哀愁的なハードコアも、ギャングスタ風のぱーてぃーアンセム「Bomberang II」も、私が「デモンラズリ」と言う名義でうたうポップロックの曲「Below the Horizon」も収録しました。そして5年ぶりにリマスターした「Bomberang」および「Beyond a Distant Ocean」だけではなく、6年間リリースされずに眠ってきたLiquid Drum 'n' Bass曲「A Safe Haven」も復活させて収録しました。等々にもちろん「虚数単位」と同じようにシネマチックなプロローグとエピローグを収録しました。

Fans in Tokyo wishing to grab a CD fresh out of the box can find one at booth number お-30a (お is the hiragana letter 'o') at M3 in the Tokyo Ryutsu Centre on 28/April/2019, and seize upon the chance to meet me there getface-to-face!


Hope to see you there!


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